Custom Built by God 8.1

Custom Built By God 8.1

Mr. Jimmie (Guide) will assist you in discovering, accepting & living out your uniqueness as he examines, explores and explains what it is to be Custom-Built By God. Its passionate, powerful & insightful pages resonate with confidence and love. You will win in life!

Custom-Built By God Originals are worth more Than Copies 8.1. An International best seller, written in multiple languages. Embrace the contents of this book, and you will change your life and the lives of others forever. This is your wake up call to significance. In this timely work, Jimmie will assist you in discovering, accepting and living out your uniqueness as he examines, explores and explains what it is to be Custom-Built By God. Its passionate, powerful and insightful pages resonate with confidence, giving you the capacity to be a person of influence while enjoying a fulfilled life. Easy to read and full of wisdom, you will find yourself highlighting almost every line as the Custom-Built Man adamantly escorts you on your path to excellence with proven principles that will maximize your life as a man, woman or child.” You were Custom-Built by God to win and to live the Custom-Built LifeStyle.

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